Antoine de Kermel

Antoine de Kermel is a seasoned entrepreneur who has been working on project financing for nature-based carbon projects with a specific expertise in ecosystem services since 2017. He has been an active promoter of agroforestry and regenerative agriculture as investable assets for impact investors. Antoine has also developed an innovative funding program for US farmers and ranchers to support their transition to regenerative practices.

He is a founding member of Regen Future Capital, a provider of finance to farmers and forest owners looking to shift to regenerative practices.

In 2020 Antoine made a direct connection to significant funding for our former field partners from Pretaterra, enabling them to massively scale up their agroforestry operations.

Inquiring Systems Inc.
887 Sonoma Ave, Suite 23 Santa Rosa CA 95404

iGiveTrees is a fiscally sponsored project of Inquiring Systems, Inc. (ISI), a U.S. tax-exempt
501 (c) (3) nonprofit corporation since 1978.
Inquiring Systems Inc., 887 Sonoma Ave, Suite 23, Santa Rosa CA 95404