Every Day is Earth Day

Brazil is home to the biomes of Amazonia, Mata Atlântica & Cerrado.

The Amazon

Meeting Ashaninka leader Francisco Piyãko at COP25 in 2019 in front of the Brazilian Pavilion, he spoke of the agroforestry work of his people in Acre, Brazil. In 2023, we began to support the Ashaninka tree seed collection harvest.

Native tree seed collection in the Brazilian Amazon

With funds raised by iGiveTrees this year, Ashaninka native tree seed collectors now have climbing equipment to harvest seeds safely and efficiently. Photos below are from prior years, pre-pandemic, in a different part of the forest when they were last able to do large scale seed collection. Since purchasing new climbing equipment for the 2023 harvest, they still need funds to train teams how to safely climb for the treetop harvests, as well as transport them to remote areas for collection. Then seeds must be cleaned, sorted and taken to a laboratory where they are tested for viability before being sent to nurseries where they will be propagated for planting.

Bringing in one of the seed collections
Tree seed cleaning

The Atlantic Forest

Our 2021-2023 field partners Fazenda Sertão, in the biome of the Mata Atlântica (Atlantic Forest), in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, began the restoration of an endangered species palm Euterpe edulis Martius on their own land.

Commonly known as juçara, jussara, açaí-do-sul or palmiteiro, it’s a palm tree native to the Atlantic Forest. Its fruits are highly appreciated in cooking and have high nutritional value. As it is a plant that grows in a more shaded area of the forest, it is being introduced in agroforestry systems that are already in place, which guarantees that they will be cared for together with the other species that are present in the planted areas.

Since Fazenda Sertão is an established organic farm using syntropic agroforestry methods, while educating their local community, we see great potential for cooperative growth. We are now creating a master plan to scale up their agroforestry plantings.

In this area (Capim Roxo) is reforestation with (native) forest species, we are not going to do agroforestry. They are areas of difficult access and the objective is to restore forest cover as they are areas covered by grass. Using the grass itself we will cover the soil.

The Cerrado

In 2022 we welcomed new field partners in second biggest biome of South America, Cerrado, in the state of Goiás, Brazil. It is fundamental to the hydric balance of South America. Threatened by the expansion of soy monoculture, only 20% of its original vegetation remains intact. Today it is one of the most endangered biomes of the planet, inhabited by “invisible” people.

The Chapada Verde Project, is a socio-environmental project that contributes to the conservation and restoration of the Cerrado biome, producing seedlings of native species along with native communities, providing technical support for reforestation and running environmental education activities.

Our first pledge to this extensive project, was to support the operation of this newly constructed greenhouse for tree seedlings to be used in community reforestation projects. In the video below you’ll see a local neighbor who was given tree seedlings to plant on his land in exchange for a load of compost. Our pledge has been fulfilled and we will continue to support their outreach.

Our nursery is already operating at full capacity. Next week we will start an accurate and detailed inventory. Our estimate is that we already have around 10,000 seedlings ready for planting, to be distributed as soon as the rainy season begins.
The seedlings we have today were produced and donated by a nursery belonging Rede Terra (founded by Zizo), in the municipality of Cristalina, 330km from Alto Paraíso. As the (seed) collection window only occurs in the months of August and September, donations were of great importance so that we are ready to contribute during the next planting season, which begins in November.

Brazil is home to the biomes of Amazônia, Cerrado, Mata Atlântica, Caatinga, Pantanal and Pampa.

A biome is a large collection of flora and fauna occupying a major habitat.

Inquiring Systems Inc.
887 Sonoma Ave, Suite 23 Santa Rosa CA 95404

iGiveTrees is a fiscally sponsored project of Inquiring Systems, Inc. (ISI), a U.S. tax-exempt
501 (c) (3) nonprofit corporation since 1978.
Inquiring Systems Inc., 887 Sonoma Ave, Suite 23, Santa Rosa CA 95404